Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 3

Well I talked with a CPA coach and he thought I should move out my testing date for FAR to July sounded like a great idea except for there are no openings now in July at all...I am just going to try to work really hard to prepare for the July 5th date. I have run into a complication today as I cannot get the concept of converting cash to accrual to stick into my brain! This is a basic concept that my brain is refusing to remember!! Arrrrgg...I have studied around 4 hours tonight. I didn't get as far as I wanted since I am stuck with a brain that is refusing to cooperate. I am going to take the advice of a friend who has already passed FAR and write it down and look at it tomorrow. I will not let this beat me!!


I studied for about 6 hours yesterday which is amazing since I also worked for 8! I hope that I can keep up this pace since my exam is on July 5th! I am determined! I got up early this morning to get in a little study time and will take my flash cards to the office for some intermitent study while I walk from place to place...FAR is such a huge amount of information! I ran into a bit of a road block last night since some of the MCQ were related to the conversion from accrual to cash...I have not done that since undergrad! I had to brush up on the concepts this morning...well off I go for day 3 of FAR prep...saying prayers that I can keep it up and be successful and pass FAR.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back at it...

I have started back on the study road after a short hiatus. I have purchased my study material finally...I decided on CPAexcel. I also purchased the Wiley test bank. I am a member of Club 75 online and will use the notes from that site.
I have mapped out my study hours for FAR which has been scheduled for July 5th. I used the Club 75 study planner. I just need to get over the fear of 1 out of 2 people fail the exam. This is what I have been working towards all these years....I cannot be defeated..if it takes me numerous attempt so be it...I will succeed!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week One

Well it has been a little over a week since I received my congratulatory letter. I am trying to remain positive that although I am qualified to sit for the exam...that I want it enough to do the work to obtain the license.
I have met with my adviser and she suggests I take the BEC first. This test is the shortest with the least number of topics. She feels that it is good to get your feet wet with the exam, the computer format and everything that goes along with it first. Anyway, I am leaning towards her idea and away from mine. I was thinking of taking FAR first since it is the most comprehensive.
I have also joined the an online community of CPA candidates.
I was initially thinking of purchasing the CPAexcel program but on club 75 they really recommend Yaeger CPA review.
My adviser recommends Gleim CPA prep. So more research is ahead of me to decide which one to spend the money on. She gave me a AUD study book to review and it seems good but I really want video and practice multiple choice and simulations.
Anyway...lots to do!! Also I have tons of homework in my class. I am taking ACC 564 Accounting Information Systems. Can I successfully work, go to school and study for the CPA test???

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Congratulations! The Virginia Board of Accountancy (VBOA) has processed your application and deemed you eligible to sit for the Uniform CPA Examination.....
This is the first sentence of the email I received on Friday. I was so happy to finally qualify for the exam! It has been a long time in the making. I cried with happiness when I got that email! Today is Sunday and I am entering the phase of fear....OMG! I am going to take the CPA exam! I have to prepare...I have to study...I have to.....FREAK OUT!! No, I have to remain calm. I can do this, I must do this. This is what it has been all about. The long nights in class while someone else watched my children, the long weekends spent doing homework while my other friends played. I have to do this. I can do this! I have scoured the internet looking for the best study materials for me..I am leaning towards CPAexcel right now. It looks like it will fit my learning style best. Now I have to decide weather to quit one of my two part time jobs, and which test to tackle first. I am thinking with fear and trepidation to take FAR in early 2011. I wish I could have gotten this done in 2010 since the CPA exam will include IFAS in 2011. I know nothing about IFAS....bummer.